Trumps red button that gives him coke
Trumps red button that gives him coke

trumps red button that gives him coke

Eventually Trump pressed it, and a butler swiftly brought in a Diet Coke on a silver platter. When and I interviewed Donald Trump in 2019, we became fascinated by what the little red button did.

trumps red button that gives him coke

President Biden has removed the Diet Coke button. Time Radio's Chief Political Commentator Tom Newton Dunn tweeted, "President Biden has removed the Diet Coke button. Now, that Biden is the new tenant at the White House, the Diet Coke button seems to have gone away with Trump's presidency. Former President Donald Trump who was a fan of Diet Coke used to have a button on the Resolute Desk at the Oval Office that when pressed would have a steward at the White House bring him Diet Coke at the Oval Office.

Trumps red button that gives him coke